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We've helped 200+ recruiters become more profitable

Get the Most Out Of LinkedIn with DIGITAL RECRUITER

Has your recruiting agency plateaued?
Too many tools & options without a simple & effective plan?
Not sure what your steps to growth are?
It means the order of operations of your agency is off. Your keys to becoming more profitable, start with a clear plan. 
Why waste more $$ on InMails or Zoom Info without getting your marketing & messaging right?
Without knowing what other recruiting agencies are already doing? So you don't look like everyone else.
It's time to get some help. No one attains success in recruiting alone, and no one grows alone in recruiting either. 

The classic recruiting agency is OUTDATED

  • Mass cold call
  • Mass cold email
  • Relying on InMails
  • Outsource lead gen to marketing that's never recruited
  • More recently - Post content from one ChatGPT input

Agency recruiting is a grind...
let LINKEDIN work for you.

You just need the right approach and systems.

There is a better way...

It's called going DIGITAL


  • Get clients coming to you
  • Reach 1000's of hiring managers at a time, versus one.
  • Clients are excited to work with you.
  • Candidates in tough markets pick you over other recruiters
  • Leverage your wins & agency success
  • Not spend a fortune on tech you don't use. Or your team doesn't use.
  • Zero reliance on LinkedIn Recruiter
  • Outreach & content on autopilot
  • No spray and pray outreach
Daniel Faulker

If you're on the fence - JUMP

Tara Rochelo

My fees are significantly higher now, an average of $10,000 higher. I tell everybody I love working with Clark

Rachel Brown

It will pay off dividends in the long run. It's a no-brainer

Don't take our word for it...

Watch Our Testimonials
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Ben Navarro

Clark helped me land a dream client and 5 reqs worth over $100,000 in revenue.

Jon Heise

Some of these techniques and messaging have been ridiculously good for business development and candidates.

Robin Walters

The Digital Recruiter Program was a complete game-changer for me.


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