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Content Creation Mastery for Recruiters


The Proven Playbook For How Recruiters Can Build Authority, Stay In Front of Hiring Managers Until They're Ready to Buy, and Turn LinkedIn into an Inbound Lead Channel





Post Content That Makes You Stand Out As An 


with this complete, end-to-end system


LinkedIn is FULL of examples of recruiters posting content.

The bad news is... that most of those posts are BAD examples of how to create content that converts into LEADS. They're posts that don't make the recruiter who posted them look good and often drive hiring managers away instead of attracting them. 

The good news is... that it's easier than ever for the most skilled recruiters to stand out using LinkedIn content...

As long as you approach content in the right way. 

The better news? It doesn't need to take 3 or 6 months to start getting inbound leads from hiring managers. We've seen it happen within weeks, sometimes days.

Yes, It Really Is Possible


What You'll Learn


Inside this complete Content Mastery training designed specifically for recruiters


  • The complete content strategy for recruiters that's proven to drive conversations with hiring managers 

  • What to post - and what not to post - to build up your reputation as a hiring authority in your niche

  • How to build a thriving content program for your business in just an hour a week.

  • There are THIRTY specific topics for Agency Recruiters to resonate with your ideal hiring manager and show them that you're the expert they need and a different experience than other agencies.

How to Create Content That Sells

How Recruiters Can Master LinkedIn Content

This content mastery course aims to transform how recruiters use LinkedIn by providing a structured approach to content creation that fosters authority, engagement, and inbound leads. You’ll learn how to:

  • Start Conversations

Use your posts as conversation starters with hiring managers in your niche.

  • Get Attention

Create content specifically designed to get the attention of your IDEAL hiring managers. NOT other recruiters or people in unrelated industries. You have to stand out among 20,000 agencies in the USA and more worldwide, you can't afford NOT to stand out.

  • Stay Top of Mind 

Most hiring managers won't have job orders for you right away. Content is how you make sure that when they have hiring needs, you're the first person they think of. Instead of 1:1 call, imagine 1 post getting on 1,000+ of your ideal managers feed consistently.

What's Included In The Course...



You're embarking on a transformative journey to master LinkedIn content designed to elevate your recruitment game by attracting more leads and establishing yourself as an expert voice in your industry. 

  • Discover your purpose and understand the roadmap to success
  • How content can revolutionize your recruitment strategy
  • How to position yourself as the go-to recruiter in your niche

Content > Cold Outreach

Learn why crafting engaging content on LinkedIn surpasses traditional cold outreach methods, fostering warmer leads and integrating seamlessly with your sales strategy.

  • How strategic content outperforms cold outreach in recruitment.
  • Build a warm lead pipeline that fosters trust and brand familiarity.
  • Blend content creation with your sales approach for maximum impact.

Establishing Your Brand Identity

Define and showcase your professional persona, making your LinkedIn profile an irresistible magnet for your ideal clients.

  • Pinpoint your ideal client profile to tailor your branding effectively.
  • Enhance your profile to show expertise and attract your target audience.
  • Build a cohesive brand identity across all content and interactions.

How To Write Content

Master the art of crafting compelling LinkedIn posts that captivate and convert, ensuring your voice is heard above the noise.

  • Write content to captivate your audience and encourage engagement.
  • Structure posts for impact and readability with effective formatting.
  • Write compelling hooks, use attention-grabbing words, and add calls to action to boost engagement.

Content Performance + Inbound Leads

Gain insights into measuring the success of your LinkedIn content and leveraging it to generate leads, focusing on meaningful engagement over virality.

  • Assess the effectiveness of your content with your audience.
  • Discover the value of engagement over virality for sustained leads.
  • Learn strategies for engaging with comments, dealing with trolls, and optimizing visibility on LinkedIn.

Your First 20 Posts

Follow a detailed guide and templates for crafting your initial LinkedIn posts, designed to establish your authority and connect with your audience effectively.

  • 20 post templates to get your content journey going.
  • Variety of scenarios, from successful placements to dealing with slow client feedback and leveraging personal interests.
  • Blend professional achievements with personal stories to humanize your brand and build deeper connections.

10 More Ways to Turn Your Experiences & Advice Into Posts

Unlock creative strategies to transform real-life scenarios and insights into engaging LinkedIn content

  • Use real-life quotes in posts to authentically showcase the recruitment journey's ups and downs.
  • Use pop culture and bold statements to make your content memorable and stand out.
  • Create analytical summaries and actionable how-to guides to enrich your content with expertise.

This Course Is For You If...


  • You struggle to stand out to your target audience on LinkedIn.
  • You see little success with traditional outreach.
  • You're unsure how to effectively create or boost LinkedIn content.
  • You can't seem to position yourself as an industry authority.
  • You find converting LinkedIn interactions into results challenging.




Recruiters Who Are WINNING With LinkedIn Content

"I'm almost afraid to post content, because every time I do I get another business development call on my calendar." 

- Rachel Brown

"Someone like me, who had no experience writing content on LinkedIn, going through this course taught me to write content that resonated with our target audience."

- Brian Junge

"The only reason I wouldn't advertise this to others is because it would make my competition even better." 


- Daniel Faulkner

Content Mastery Course

Course Enrollment


62 Content Lessons


Mastery Bundle


Sales + Content Mastery Courses